489 thoughts on “An Appeal to WordPress”

  1. So do we start a write-in campaign or what? You’ve had my vote for all these 3 1/2 years. When you hit the big-time, I can say I’ve been following you from the start! I particularly enjoyed The Enchantments part 1. Those pesky mountain goats! –Aunt Christy

    1. Ha, well I do appreciate your support all these years! As for the write-in campaign, my tech-savvy friend, Ferg, just used twitter to grab the attention of whomever might listen to see if we can’t make it happen. Nothing like a little (appropriate) creativity on the internet right?

  2. Girl, you are too too funny! Great post! Reminds me of that man that post a skit on Youtube to get a job – and got one too! Love it! You inspire me.

  3. Haha, you’re so funny! I just started a few months ago, and I haven’t reached 100 hits yet. Sad. 😦 But I hope someday, WordPress would choose me too. I oftenly write in Filipino, though. 😦 I hope they choose my posts although this is so. 😀

  4. Congratulations on being FP! Thank you for making me laugh this morning (and before I’ve even had my coffee, now that’s a feat! ;)) I’ll have to look at your other posts about Alaska (after coffee :)). If you don’t mind my asking, what is “fun-employed?” 🙂

  5. Great blog and congrats! Creative and pure genius. I noticed, this week, that a couple of blogs seem to get “freshly pressed” on occasion. I wonder how they go about selecting which sites are going to be featured.

      1. I am most definitely thanking my friend Andrew (aka: Ferg), with brownies actually, at his request. I see I was only on Freshly Pressed main page for a few hours, but I’m grateful! Enough for hundreds of comments, thousands of hits, and plenty of new followers. THANKS! 🙂

  6. This is really classy. Maybe done before in a different way… a different tone… BUT alas! Regardless. Quite impressive. (grin)

  7. I don’t even know you, but you are absolutely precious! This is the first time FP has ever appealed to me. You so rock! Blessings. (Guess who’s gonna check out your blog now? [[And I don’t even like fishing… :P]] )

  8. Ah! I loved this post. When you “edited” with the comma I was so happy, because I was an English major, too!

    I’ll start following your blog– I think Alaska is gorgeous so I’ll definately enjoy looking at all of those pictures!

    p.s. congrats– looks like FP took up your suggestion 🙂

  9. Ha, this is too cute, and you totally met your goal! You are Freshly Pressed, congratulations! Love the picture with you with your car and how you named it, mine is named Snowball and it’s a trusty little transporter.

    1. Some people don’t understand the “car-driver bond,” but I’m glad you do! Hope you and Snowball have many more adventures!

      1. Well done on the clever post:). I’ve just started my first ever national tour of south Africa, driving all the way in my lovely and trusted francesca and playing gigs as as I go. Sorry if my punctuation isn’t 100%, I did not study English 😉

  10. Hi Liz, I´m impressed of your travel pics..how do you manage to do so many trips? beatiful landscape there in Alaska, reminds me of Scandinavia, Sweden and Norway! greets from bergleben.de

  11. I see you on Freshly Pressed this morning. Congratulatons! It does look like a great blog, and I am excited to read some of your other posts. Nice job on the appeal- glad to see it worked!

  12. I am very impressed. What a cool and creative way to get recognized. I will make it a point to read through more of your blog and even add you to my blogroll.

    I myself have not been blogging as much lately so my readership has dropped some but I intend to get back into the thick of things. If my blog’s name offends you and you would rather me not feature your adventures on my blogroll, let me know.

    Great post. Very funny too.

    1. I’m terribly sorry to have caused any anxiety! I feel similarly every time I see the “10 items or less” sign at the grocery store. FEWER! Ten items or fewer!

  13. Well, I’ve never read your blog before, but it was right on top of the FP list and here I am. Great job!

    Love, love, love your creativity! Be blessed and I’ll pray you find a new job soon. 🙂

  14. Recently I have been contemplating doing a post about not being freshly pressed too. It wouldn’t have been as creative as yours though, more whiny I think. I didn’t do it as I wasn’t sure it would get the results I had hoped for, I suspected I would be quietly placed on the NEVER TO BE FP list! You may have started something here, perhaps one day the theme of the FP will be a variety of posts bemoaning their inability to be on that very page….. Congratulations!

  15. Love it! Congratulations on capturing the attention of the gods of Freshly Pressed in a very original and completely irresistible way : )

  16. I don’t know you, but it caught my attention. Awesome work there, and I will check out your blog it seems cool. Wishing you well in your endeavors. Stay positive. 🙂

  17. I am so proud of you!!! I have been feeling the same way for over almost a year. I think…”oh my gosh, this blog kicks it!” and “maybe they will pick it this week”…but alas, I sadly am still an FP virgin. 🙂 But, I will continue to blog, after all, I am almost at 5,000 hits and that only has taken 18 months….kinda like losing weight and keeping it off. Slow and steady win the race! You get an A+++++ for creativity and imagination! Way to put yourself on the map!!!! Congrats. I will be anxious to see how fast you get to 20,000! 🙂 Have a fantastic weekend. Me and all the other FP wanna-bees are celebrating with you!!!!! AmberLena

  18. Congratulations, Liz…you made it onto Freshly Pressed! Very creative and cute photos. Congrats on the 10,000 hits, too! Keep on blogging. I’m proud of you, and I’m not even a member of your family, ex-anything or paid to say so! 😉

  19. This is excellent! I love the that your blog doesn’t follow the usual trend. BTW, you made it on Freshly Pressed! That’s how I found you. So, you have cool travels with your car, too? I love cars and take them where no car has traveled before…

  20. Congratulations! Fun post and creative use of a white board. Wishing you continued success with your blog!

  21. Yay, it worked! Congratulations! This is so funny and original (pace Bob Dylan) – you deserve your moment of fame. 🙂

  22. Well, I see that worked. Very clever and congratulations for making it to Freshly Pressed. It’s certainly fun and a great way for your blog to get a boost. I don’t see an “about” page on your blog, and everyone who is reading your FP post is going to be looking for it, so you might want to think about adding that today. After all, you are famous now!

  23. Genius! It’s that kind of thinking that gets people amazing jobs out of nowhere. Hopefully this will be the case for you.

  24. Great job! Love it. I’m jealous that you live in Alaska. And you reminded me that it is “fun-employed” – enjoy and congratulations on being Freshly Pressed. Sweet.

  25. That’s very cute. Congratulations on FP! I soooo want to be on FP, too. I have almost 67,000 hits after 2.5 years of regular blogging, complete with quality photos and good writing. Sigh, you’re living my dream…Good job!

  26. This is so fantastic! Congratulations! I hold my breath everyday to see if I have been freshly pressed but alas, I am still patiently waiting. Great job! With creativity like that, you can consider yourself “followed” (but not in a creepy stalker way, in a nice, I admire your talent and am reading your blog kind of way)!

  27. graet post. so cute. I’d do the same thing if I wasn’t afraid of cracking the lense. This is my second go at making a comment so fingers crossexd here goes OH and congrats on FP

  28. Your FP is one of the BEST I have ever read and laughed at, It is simple and shows a creative funny quicky read. Good for you and congrats.

  29. Congrats, such a cute idea. Good job on creativity. I soooo want to be on FP, too, and with 2.5 years of regular, quality blogging with good photos and almost 67,000 hits, you’d think I’d make it. You’re living my dream!

  30. I rarely comment on blogs that belong to people I don’t know, but I had to with this one. I love everything about this post! I imagine your friends already thought you were awesome, you parents were proud, and ex-boyfriends wished they were still with you. Best wishes for finding a fabulous job that’s even more fun than fun-employment 😉

  31. Whoa! thanks for this very creative and funny post my darling. My God you are an anger I mean ‘angel’ sent from above. You just save me from my worst day of my life (I suck with relationships, I suck on my blogs) but thanks God I’m so happy you got freshly pressed, answered prayers indeed. Thanks for putting this big smile on my face. Love yah!

  32. I always wonder how people get Freshly Pressed?! I don’t let it bother me (too much) that I haven’t been “picked” by the powers that be . . . then I wonder if it could go back to the beginning when I was a newbie and added my blog link at the bottom of my comments naively and incorrectly and was admonished by the administrators at FP’d not to do that . . . I then kind of sent a snarky reply? Perhaps I am on the DO NOT EVER PUBLISH list? Yeah, that’s it . . .
    Congrats on your success with your appeal. Cute and funny! I do get hits & views on my own! Ha!

  33. That’s was very clever and witty! I’m still smiling typing that:) You have a talent for acting, I think. Your face expressions are very charismatic – I could here the intonation while reading.
    I got very interested in your blog – sunsets and fishing sounds like a lot of fun. I’ll be following you and congrats on a really great post!

  34. You were blogging for over 3 years and only got 10,000? Wow, you did need to get freshly pressed! Also – try tweeting about your posts, and making connections on here and other social networks! The pics are cute, but what do you normally write about?

  35. Gotta love your attitude! (And we English graduates have to stick together!) And I always have loved that Bob Dylan video for Subterranean Homesick Blues that may have been your inspiration? Or maybe it’s just your own pure genius! Keep on blogging!

  36. Congrats on being featured! This was super creative. I do the same editing dance, like, well, if I were reading this instead of writing it how would it sound? And then I move a comma 50 times…

    1. Ha! Seriously, I was thinking, is there a space on a resume where you can put “Featured on Freshly Pressed?” Maybe that’s a little much, but perhaps an employer would take note?

  37. This was cute, cuter then I thought it would be –
    I wonder if you have to buy the priceier themes
    before they post you?

    I invite anyone who is interested to check out
    my eerie suspence fantasy Rust – or the other
    illistrated fictions and Art articles I have posted
    on all things wierd and funney.

  38. This is FABULOUS! From one English major, grammar Nazi, word nerd to another, well done! 🙂 Maybe I’ll be Freshly Pressed one day, too! Good luck on your quest for gainful employment.

  39. I loved that degree gag. I was going to “tut” at you naming your car Joey but I’ve been recently reminded that I’ve given our dog four extra names – Merry is his first name, but I’ve seen fit to refer to him as Wolfie, cos, you know, he looks like a wolf (in that he has a jaw full of teeth), Wolfuss (in case he’s looking particularly more Eastern European than usual on any given day), Wolfuss The Third when he’s looking regal and English (this name’s only applicable when the daylight shows his grey hairs), and finally Sergeant Noodles… just… cos. Anyway I’ve got to get back to my own fun-employment and see if anyone will hire me as a web developer, or failing that, IT helpdesk support. You gotta pay the bills somehow…

  40. Just joined the community and yours is the very first blog I’ve checked out from Freshly Pressed. Congrats on the accomplishment! Hope it contributes to your chances of becoming a pleasant old person 🙂

  41. Brilliant! (I’m jealous!) I wish WordPress would go back and look at old posts. (I know there would have to be an army of people to do this.) Because some of my best posts got missed and I know I can write posts as good as those in the future, but what are the chances that my great posts get seen? I mean what if the WordPress readers have been reading my posts when they are pedantic at best. Blast.

    Maybe WordPress should write a blog about the odds of a post getting picked from the fray in order to give a me a little perspective and keep me from feeling disappointed that it’s never been me.



  42. THIS IS THE BEST!!!! YOU HAVE SINGLE HANDEDLY MADE MY DAY!!!! I was all smiles as I read your post.

    You see I have a five years old son who is Autistic. Most days are good, but for some reason today it’s been all about having melt-downs after meltdowns in the supermarket, pharmacy and all hell broke loosewhen he asked for Ferro Rocher chocolate ball (the coconut covered ones) and I said no.

    Thanks for the post and congrats on FP.
    http://jacquirose17.wordpress.com (Autism through poems as seen thru the eyes of my son).

  43. lol.. really cool post.. i have thought about making a campaign as well to be freshly pressed, you beat me to it and yours is pretty amazing.. mine sucked.. 😀

  44. Loved it!! It was great. I’m new to WP so I see I def have to bring my A-Game to get on FP. You’ve inspired me to keep writing reguarly. I hope to see 10K hits….one day. : ) Thank you!

  45. This is the smartest post I have seen so far. I am glad it caught WordPress’ attention. Actually, I tried the more conventional route to get Freshly Pressed. I submitted three of my posts to the editor. Boring, I know, but it worked in April when I was Freshly Pressed. Congratulations!!! (Too many exclamation points?)

    1. Definitely not too many exclamation points! 😉 Submissions to the editor, good call! Glad it worked and you made it on FP as well.

  46. Liz, what an awesome post. I always wonder why I never get FP and so many crappy posts do…WTF!! I guess I’m just jealous.

    Really, why did you not get featured for over three years? Some people get posted their first month! With a crap article!

    This is just so creative. You’ll probably get 1000 comments, and will deserve every one! Congrats…

    1. Thanks for your support, Joe! I have no idea how people get on FP, I’ve tried analyzing it for clues, but ultimately settled for a little fun with a camera and a whiteboard on a Thursday afternoon. Good luck with your blog!

  47. so i guess this is what i have to do to get EMBRACE YOU on freshly pressed…so cool. Congrats to finally getting there! your hard work paid off.

  48. So…. I just did a google search for photos of “the enchantments” posted in the last week and what shows up but your blog talking about making your ex-boyfriend jealous. AWESOME!

      1. Yah, I will be up there from Thursday – Sunday next week. We have a core permit. Just flipped through your Flickr stream from your hike last weekend. Looked amazing, loved the silhouettes between the rocks. Want to have lunch on Monday and walk me through your packing list?
        Shoot me a text, its too hard to find this comment thread among the thousands of others.

  49. Great campaign! The first picture caught my attention and the next thing that caught my attention is the quote on the banner it’s so true. That’s what I love about adventures, you learn something from every new experience. Congratulations on the 10,000 hits. Am going to start reading about your adventures now 🙂

  50. You made it! Hahaha, yay! I trust your family’s proud. I just met a guy earlier this morning who handed me a business card – his title read “Fun Employed Founder and Director” – LOL

    1. So does that mean that the “Fun Employed Founder and Director” is actually my boss right now? I should probably check-in with him!

  51. Yay, you’re on Freshly Pressed! This post is so funny! But you may inspire copy cats to do the same so they can get on FP as well.

    Don’t do it, people! Hard work always pays off!

  52. Okay, I didn’t know what it was going to be like seeing an appeal to WordPress… but this was really cute and funny. Congrats! I’m going to check out the rest of your blog now, as I too have been fishing in Alaska 🙂

  53. Funny, I tried the same thing a couple of months back and couldn’t get WordPress to look at my blog. Good job though.

  54. Totally adorable post! 🙂 Congratulations on getting your plea heard and being Freshly Pressed finally, after a long wait of 3 1/2 years! 😀

  55. Very cool post! I live in Washington state and am “fun-employed” myself–with a degree in English and amazing editing abilities:) Alas, my blog is only 5 months old, so I will have to wait awhile for my 10,000 hits and my own plea to be “Freshly Pressed.”

  56. Congrats! The comma part was brilliant. I’m also glad to see that I’m not the only one who names their car. Mine’s Princess Leia. it is, after all, a Toyota. (ba-dum-psh).

  57. This is the cutest blog post ever!!! I love it! Now I have to go read your other posts! (P.s. this will bump you over 10,000 for sure!!)

  58. It’s just like how Dumbledore said to Harry that those who ask for help will receive it. I imagine the Freshly Pressed people are ardent fans of Dumbledore’s advice since you got what you asked for.

  59. Liz – I am so glad you insisted on showing up topside. What a tremendous encouragement your post is. I really appreciate your creativity. Best to you in all your endeavors. God bless.

  60. hahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaha! I love your facial expressions- and that comma correction? Hilarious. 🙂

  61. This is the only one of your blogs I’ve read but am prepared to dive in and enjoy based on what I’ve just seen. Love the idea. Can I steal it? I’ve only been blogging for about a month, have maybe 50 hits and 3 followers. But I’m 63 years old. I may not have three and a half years to wait to hit the big time.

  62. Love it! You are a funny lady! I made freshly pressed yesterday for the first time and it made my year!! So I know you must be extremely happy right now! Enjoy every moment, you deserve it!


  63. After 3.5 years you finally did what you should have done all along – make an appeal, lol. Well done…I’m truly inspired (and hope that I’ll be FP’ed someday).

  64. Heyyyy super funny and inspirational in a way 😉 (Patience pays off…..)

    I am sure you are on the FP, not because you appealed for it, but every bit of your post deserves to be on the top of the site. Your photos and the expressions are classy.

    Congratulation for being on the FP and congratulationd for 10000 hits…. Good luck….

  65. Congratulations! Icecream is a treat – so too is your blog, so I’m awarding you the icecream award.

    The Ice-Cream Award

    No obligation to do anything except accept it. Pass it on at any time if you like.

    I got one today, but hadn’t heard of it before. I think you deserve it!

  66. Excellent blog. I love te “attention getter” and it obviously worked. I have never been to Alaska, but like to imagine being in the mountains or the wilderness. I love the views, the fishing and the hunting. I will be following your blog from now on.

    Thank you and God bless.

  67. This is by far one of the best and most amusing posts I’ve seen, good job! I’m so happy wordpress caved in (;

  68. I almost peed my pants laughing as I read your post, Liz! So unique! I also wonder why there are repeats on freshly pressed…and yet, I’m just NOT getting posted. I’ve been blogging since 2005, was with Windows Live Spaces and then got ‘transported’ to Word Press, so, it was like taking baby steps all over again. (I lost all of my photo albums to boot…grrrr). And…heck if I know if my former ‘hits’ and statistics got transferred here. Long story-short, your approach brought humour to the situation. I loved your post! And now I’m going to go and see what else you have written about. Have a beautiful autumn!

  69. omg! that was the best post I’ve ever read! Fantastic job girl. I don’t even know you and I am proud of you! And You did it, you are the first post on fp!-that should come with an award right? lol-anyway congratz, you earned it with this original idea!

  70. i have been trying to do this myself. I run a music/classic rock blog called the wild heart and I have 4,000 hits and I have been up and running since late january. They didn’t even choose my post about Stevie Nicks’s latest album, her concert which I attended, or my how to guesstimate your vinyl. Blarg! WordPress, please pick mine too!

  71. btw mine would go: Dear wordpress,
    I love your blogging/web design platform. I live and die by you at work and at home. However, I think you are missing one thing from your freshly pressed site: me; aka “The wild heart.”

    So here is a list of things that qualify me:
    -I write compelling content: I have a few examples for my compelling content that you may want to look at which include my letter to mtv on its 30th anniversary, why klol should return to Houston airwaves, ANY of my stevie nicks/fleetwood mac articles (they all seem to do VERY well for some reason so I keep covering her – people love Stevie apparently!), me getting pulled over and my plea for autobahns within Houston.

    -I blog nearly every single day.
    -my ratings have been down a bit lately sure. But that is because I changed my domain! Also I havent covered any coverbands lately. However, I do have 4 subscribers and 22 facebook fans counting me. Also people like my stuff on facebook quite often.
    -I edit my own stuff. I’m a journalist what do you expect?

    So wordpress please help me!

  72. I am so excited that I actually know you! Maybe, through our friendship, my ex-boyfriends will regret not being with me, too!

    (I think you are very funny and precious and smart, too! Congrats!)




    Seriously, this is adorable. Do you live in Alaska? I used to live in Alaska.
    I miss Alaska.

    1. I can almost never hide what I’m thinking or feeling from appearing on my face. I’m glad it came in handy at least once!

  74. Adorable!!! You def. know how to get WP’s attention. I know your stats have gone through the roof.



  75. I like this – it is not aggressive way of protesting. 🙂 I think you deserved it for taking your time and doing the whole effort! And so I found you – at FP-Site 😀
    Good work!

    p.s. and now i am going to check your blog 😀

  76. Glad this worked for you …. some of the FP’d people have only been blogging for only a month or two at most! Great post too!

  77. Liz! You have a great great blog, I absolutely love it! I’m a longtime writer, recent blogger… my blog is Melissa’s 100 List if you want to check it out. I also work for a website, I’d love to run an idea by you- you can email me at melissa@empirecovers.com if you’d be interested in getting some free stuff for Joey!

  78. That was awesome! I bet you’re gonna get some writers copying that after your Freshly Pressed. Great idea…and it worked!

  79. A clever, cute and creative way to say what you want. And it worked! Congrats! Loved this post of yours. Here’s to more great posts and future features on Freshly Pressed. Have an awesome day, you fun-employed person. (Do my comments need editing?)

  80. I made a comment (actually more than one as there was a glitch) here on your post the other day and lamented that I had been blogging for 2.5 years and almost at 68,000 hits and hadn’t made FP. Well, today I made it! I wonder if they read comments.

    Wow, 10,000 hits, that’s great and a huge amount of comments. I know I won’t go nearly that high but I’m excited to have made the bigtime. This is the post I made it on and it’s over a month old now.

    And More Red

  81. I just loved how you put all those signs down and went hiking in the mountains with a tripod, then took the picture of yourself, and then came back! I’m guessing from the chairs that you went to the Adirondacks? I wouldn’t have had the guts to do that, or any of the other gross internal body parts. It was brilliant!

    1. Well they are Adirondack chairs, but I’m not in the Adirondacks! Washington, actually. And yes, travel has just gotten so easy these days, amazing how that works 😉

  82. And I was wondering how to hit “Freshly Pressed”!!
    “Congratulations”! I know your fingers were wore out,but you surely enjoyed the comments.

  83. Terrific move, congratulations on a very effective approach! You might want to post that resume; I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that you’ve been contacted for a new job — marketing, advertising, something along those lines.

  84. Hahahaha!!! this post is very humorous!! I also want to be featured in FP, but I guess I’m not as creative as you are (“fun-employed”) lols.. And I like Auntie Christy being the first who comment. haha.. Pls do continue to make us laugh..

    Congratulations!!! I’ll subscribe indeed.

  85. Is funny, this blog-post. I especially like the ones where you edited the board. Don’t be disheartened about your English degree not getting you exciting jobs right away; I have an English degree from 1977 and have been employed in factory or retail work pretty much since graduating. I find the degree helpful when doing crosswords at break time and such. It’s as least as good a degree to have as, say, Art History or Philosophy.

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