It’s the End…

Of the month and I hate going a whole month without posting. So, here’s my attempt for a post in April before May takes over. Heavy on the photos, but aren’t blogs supposed to be visually appealing anyway?

I started the month off right with a trip up to Mt. Baker for a little backcountry skiing to finish off a rather epic ski season. Contrary to what the ski area name might suggest, this is Mt. Shuksan on an absolute bluebird day.
Just a little rest before making a couple laps, had to soak up the view, after all. Despite multiple attempts at sunscreen application, my face experienced the first roasting of the changing season.
We skinned out to a back bowl and found ourselves some tasty turns on a north-facing aspect. Lange leads the way out of the bowl as we admire our picture-perfect S-turns off to the right. There's a little pocket of space somewhere between powder and sky that you find yourself in while making those turns, and if heaven is accessible in this life, no doubt that's where it exists.
After wrapping up on the mountain, headed home to celebrate Easter with the cutest cousins possible: Kaila and Ripley in their matching purple Easter dresses. Yes, the Easter bunny delivered enough chocolate to keep these two running in circles.
Event Headquarters at Seattle U, preparing the day before my biggest event of the year for work, a brunch in Campion Ballroom for 250+ guests. It was garden party themed in honor of Earth Day, can you tell?
Mom and I took a spontaneous trip to Skagit Valley to see the tulips. The photos look the same every year, but are somehow still obligatory.
The squishy, trampoline-like mud throughout the tulip fields (so cool) and a look inside a tulip--offers a bit of contrast.
Sadly, my roommate Shereen moved out and back to Canada--stupid visas requirements! Team 2512 is now down a man, but we're managing...barely.
For once, I wasn't the one leaving. And in no way did I envy this packing situation.
My former housemate from Sitka, Gina (who now lives in Hillsboro, OR as a second year JV) and I took an afternoon for Gorge exploring. We strolled our way down Old Highway 30, stopping at Vista House for this lovely little view.

Not too bad for an average month full of work. Promise to be more reflective and less reporting next time!

3 thoughts on “It’s the End…”

  1. I miss the annual trip to the tulips and the obligatory tulip shots! And I miss you. Awaiting the next super reflective blog…

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